Secure Beginnings is a private practice that offers professional learning to early childhood educators, teachers and all professionals working with children and families in the early childhood field. Built upon 20 years of research, we bring an infant-mental health perspective to transition routines so that all children feel safe to learn, free to create and ready to play.
We welcome you to the Secure Beginnings website where you can learn about our professional learning and book into one of the courses, workshops and mentoring sessions that we offer.
We Offer
1. Playspace Learning (4 day training)
2. Marte Meo Practitioner Level online,
3. One day workshops - the Playspace philosophy of stillness,
and Secure Base Games, Facilitating peer group interactions.
4. Reflexive mentoring - term packages consisting of 4 x 1 hour and
a quarter sessions = 5 hours, or alternatively a 5 hour day workshop.