Marte Meo Education
Online Education for Marte Meo Practitioner Certificate
By Robyn Dolby, PhD
Training consists of 8 hours of Foundational learning and 14 hours of Experiential learning through video review.
For the experiential learning you will be asked to provide video clips from your own setting to learn from. This will include filming yourself for the purpose of identifying and practising the elements of supportive communication. The clips required are short (one to 2 minutes and no more than three minutes).
The video footage is reviewed within the group. Understandably, the thought of video review can be daunting but it is a very quick and practical way to learn. Participants say they see a lot more, particularly the positive effects of their communications with parents, infants and children. They also learn from others' video material as well as their own.
Group size: 1-10 participants
Length of each clinical session is two hour
Cost: $1000 per person
Time will be given throughout the sessions to focus on Marte Meo support for children with diverse Learning needs and vulnerable caregiving.
Here is an outline of the training program.
Online Education for Marte Meo Practitioner Certificate – What is learnt
Session 1
What is Learnt
Introduction to Group
Introduction to Marte Meo and application to clinician’s context
Introduction to course format and video review
Introduction to children’s Playskills
Preparation for first filming task: Filming two infants or children who are interacting in free play
Session 2
What is Learnt
Video review of infants'/children’s Playskills. Each participant presents video for review.
Session ​3
What is Learnt
Introduction to the supportive communication of Following to build connection with children.
Preparation for second filming task: free play interaction where you film yourself with one infant/child practising Following.
Session 4
What is Learnt
Video Review Following. Each participant presents video for review.
Session 5
What is Learnt
Video of Following. Each participant presents video for review.
Session ​6
What is Learnt
Introduction to the supportive communication of Linking to build togetherness between children.
Preparation for third filming task: free play interaction where you film yourself with two infants/children to practise Linking.
Session 7
What is Learnt
Video Review of Linking. Each participant presents video for review.
Session 8
What is Learnt
Video Review of Linking. Each participant presents video for review.
Session ​9
What is Learnt
Introduction to the supportive communication of Leading to lead in a firm and kind way.
Preparation for fourth filming task: structured interaction where you film yourself with one infant/child practising Leading.
Preparation for Accreditation for Practitioner certificate.
Session 10
What is Learnt
Video Review of Leading. Each participant presents video for review.
Presentation/accreditation Practitioner certificate.
Session 11
What is Learnt
Video Review of Leading. Each participant presents video for review
Presentation/accreditation Practitioner certificate.
Marte Meo is the antithesis of a deficit model. It builds on the children's and families' own strengths. You will be learning about open communication. Stress can put a dent in communication, a dent into being close. We learn that everyone is doing the best they can. The way they are presenting themselves serves a function which is protection.
When you assist communication to be open, you are heading down a firm pathway toward authentic connection. Authentic connection overcomes fear. This is what Marte Meo enables - it helps you to communicate openly and to build open communication in families.

Presenter: Robyn Dolby, PhD
Dr Robyn Dolby is a psychologist and co-founder of Secure Beginnings. She has worked in the field of Infant Mental Health for forty years. Her interest is in the emotional communications of infants and children and how these communications are understood by parents and clinicians and educators.
Robyn has been the clinical co-ordinator of research projects in preschool and long daycare settings (infants’ room) since 2000. Robyn has written the booklets, “The Circle of Security: Roadmap to Building Supportive Relationships”; “About Bullying”; and “Secure Transitions: Supporting Children to Feel Secure, Confident and Included", published by Early Childhood Australia.
She holds long-standing appointments in Health and Education offering clinical supervision. Robyn is a Marte Meo Licensed Supervisor.
The Practitioner Certificate in Marte Meo
Training offered by Robyn Dolby, PhD
The Marte Meo Supportive Communication Program was developed by Maria Aarts in the Netherlands to support emotional and social development in everyday interaction moments. It has application to the whole life spectrum and is used in parent-infant work, early childhood services, schools, aged care facilities, neo-natal units, foster care programs and in disability services.
Security is associated with open communication. In Marte Meo you learn how to improve the quality of a relationship by improving the daily interaction moments. You learn how to build connection instead of disconnection moments. You learn how to link children or build togetherness and and how to lead or take charge without losing connection.
When training in Marte Meo you learn to look for what children or the client can do, as the natural starting point for supporting their development. Marte Meo builds out from the child or client’s skills; it does not impose a program onto them. In a similar way Marte Meo does not train or coach adults in caregiving skills. Instead, it builds out from parents’ and educators’ and clinicians' own strengths and allows them to become more fine-tuned observers of their communications within interactions. Parents say, "I enjoy how the program fits to me, rather than me having to fit to the program"
At Marte Meo Practitioner level you learn to observe children’s Playskills and why they are important for making friendships and for school readiness. You learn the Marte Meo adult supportive communication elements of: Following or making a connection, Linking or building togetherness among children, and Positive Leading.
Learning in Marte Meo is video based. Throughout the course you will be able to view video clips that highlight supportive communication. From session 2 you will be asked to present video clips of your own to learn from. This will include filming yourselves for the purpose of identifying and practicing the different elements of Marte Meo supportive communication.
Learning will be step by step so that you will be guided step-by-step in what to film. The clips required are short -1-2 minutes and no more than 3 minutes to be sufficient and easy to learn from.